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Why Pioneer Preschool
Learn through play: Utilize hands-on activities based on the Creative Curriculum
Build fundamental skills
Provide milestone assessment
Participate in small group learning stations
Grow with me: Experience nurturing relationships
Thrive in an environment with many one-to-one interaction opportunities
Develop social and emotional skills through positive interactions
Foster emerging friendships
Get comfy: Benefit from a safe, stable and structured environment
Feel secure in our Ohio Department of Education Licensed Facility
Build confidence with a caring and credible staff
Enjoy classrooms with child-friendly conveniences
Be yourself: Let your individuality and uniqueness shine.
Foster self-esteem and build confidence essential for childhood development
Expand imagination though creative hands-on activities
Participate in role playing that supports diverse personalities
Explore your world: Enjoy fun and exciting adventures in a variety of settings
Discover a larger world through numerous field trips
Investigate all Pioneer has to offer including the many career tech labs
Learn from kid-friendly speakers with age-appropriate topics and themes
Share the experience: Take advantage of the parent partnership
Stay involved in your child’s education by utilizing our Open Door policy
Communicate through daily interactions with instructors

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Preschool (3-5 years old) Mon. - Fri.
AM Class 8:30-11:10
PM Class 11:45-2:25
*Assistance may be available
Toddlers (18 months - 3 years) & Infants (6 weeks - 18 month) Mon. - Fri. 7:30-3:30
Click here to take a Tour of Pioneer's Preschool and Childcare
For more information contact: Stephanie Roberts, Director at 419-347-7744 ext. 42601